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Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA DA MULHER
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA AMAZONIA 1
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA AMAZONIA 2
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 DIA DO VENDEDOR 2
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 DIA DO VENDEDOR 1
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA DO LEITOR
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA DO MEDICO
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA DO CLIENTE 2
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA DO CLIENTE 1
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 - DIA MUNDIAL DA INFACIA
Square Social Media Post_ 1080 x 1080 px


Diseño Gráfico

Creación de artes para publicidad de contenido para redes sociales. Empresa Flameseed, Cliente VerBem. Manaos, Brasil, 2019.

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